
Missions is fundamental to the heartbeat of Oak Ridge It is a vital part of our identity as a church. This is because we feel that it is an essential part of God's desire for His people. When Jesus met with His disciples after the resurrection, He gave them a Great Commission and sent them out as witnesses of all they had experienced.

Our love for God causes us to have a deep compassion for people who are created in His image. We are called to serve the community to which we belong. This means both our local community here in Pinellas County, as well as the global community of which we are all a part. We support a number of holistic missions efforts here and abroad. We provide religious and spiritual guidance, food for the hungry, medical care, counseling, and numerous other means of support through our various partners. We hope that you will take some time to get to know our missions partners via the links in our website.

Missions Conference
Each year, in the Spring, our church holds a Missions Conference. This is an opportunity for us to hear updates and prayer requests from our various missions partners who are serving in the field. It is also a time to extend God's calling to our church and community. All of us are called to pray for our missionary brothers and sisters. Most of us are called to give financially of our resources to support missions. Some are called to physically go and serve, either as part of a short term effort, or a long term commitment. This conference is our primary method for raising the funds that we use to support our various missions partners and initiatives. We hope that you'll be a part of the next one. It will challenge and inspire you with all that God is doing around the world, and the staggering impact that is possible when even a small number of Christians gather together.

"Don't say you're against organized religion... organized religion is the reason for most of the world's relief efforts, medical care, and educational endeavors. If it wasn't for the Church gathering and organizing, we would never have had most of the schools, hospitals, or humanitarian relief that we see today. When Christians band together as the Church on mission with Jesus... when they form organized religion... they create the foundation of almost all of the good you see in the world around you." - Carl Johnson
Address: 11000 110th Ave N. Unit 1 | Largo, FL 33778
