Sermon series beginning January 5th at 10 am


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Join us for Worship! Sundays at 10:00am

Our reason for existence is that we might be a vibrant multi-generational church, passionately in love with Jesus, and intentionally serving the local and global community.  We are committed to the truth of the Bible, faith in the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the enduring presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer.


While each person is created by God for a unique purpose, we are convinced that God has designed all of us for connection, and that our lives are incomplete without these three: Christ, Church, and Community.

We were created to connect with God himself. Jesus’ death and resurrection formed the pathway for us to have a relationship with God. In fact, our most fundamental need as human beings is to be connected with the God in whose image we were made. We seek to grow through a life long journey of building this relationship.

We were created to connect with others. Life wasn’t designed to be lived in isolation, but God created human beings to be dependent upon one another. We encourage, support, learn from, work with, inspire, and pray for each other. The Christian life is not only about individual relationships with Jesus, but about our corporate connection together moved by the power of the Holy Spirit.

We were created to connect with our community, both locally and globally. Our focus is not to be inward on caring only about ourselves, but outward towards those around us. Because Jesus loved and served, we are called to similarly redeem, serve, and improve the world around us.



Facebook is a great place to connect with us for updates on the church, as well as for information on events and services.


Follow us on Instagram for posts about upcoming events as well as inspiration and encouragement.


Join us on YouTube to watch live services, or to stream archived services and/or sermons.


John and Kristia Wickstrom
John and Kristia Wickstrom
Lead Pastors
Pastor John and Pastor Kristia came on staff at Oak Ridge in 2019. They have a passion to see people understand the value that is bound up within themselves as one of God's creations, and to lead others to be followers of Jesus who lead others to follow Jesus. They met while attending Indiana Wesleyan University. John graduated with a degree in ministry, and Kristia with a degree in business. Kristia was later called to ministry as well and finished up educational requirements for ordination through a variety of methods. They have one amazing daughter (not counting the dog). They love relaxing at the beach, kayaking, trying new foods, and are self-proclaimed coffee-snobs.
PD Mosher
PD Mosher
Support Recovery GROUP
Pastor PD was first called to the ministry in 1964 and began his studies at LeTourneau University in 1964 before starting a family and beginning his career with a telephone company. Later in life, he was called again by the "Hound dog of Heaven" and finished his studies at Georgetown Wesleyan University of the Americas (GWUA) with a BS in Church Leadership and Counseling. He now, along with his wife, Emiline leads a recovering alcohol/narcotics study group through the Recovery Bible showing others the path to victory through Jesus and the 12 steps with the correlating Scripture verses that back up these promises. In his spare time, Pastor Pete enjoys family and bike riding. Pastor Peter is also an avid reader. His wife, Emiline, enjoys, cooking, gardening, walking, piano, and sewing. In addition, they both love their family as well as church family and all they come in contact with.

Join us on Sunday

The best way to get to know us at Oak Ridge is to visit us for a Sunday morning experience at 10am.
We believe that you'll find us to be a friendly bunch that is warm and embracing of guests. Like your family at home, we're an imperfect group of people. But we believe that God uses imperfect people who love with big hearts to have a huge impact on the world. We'd love to invite you into our family, and to join us on the journey we call "life". We hope that you too will think of Oak Ridge as a place you can call "home".
Address: 11000 110th Ave N. Unit 1 | Largo, FL 33778
